What if Mom... (A Poem)

What if mom forgot to turn off the lights?
Pick up your shoes and referee fights.
What if she never washed another dish?
Didn't do the laundry or feed your fish.

What if mom didn't make you a snack?
Didn't remind you to take your backpack.
What if she never picked up your clothes?
Or wrappers, socks, and misplaced Legos.

What if mom never read to you in bed?
Didn't kiss ouchies or cheeks or foreheads.
What if instead she slept in till eight?
Waited until she was refreshed and awake.

What if she relaxed and read a good book?
Or watched T.V. while someone else cooked.
What if mom never nagged you as well? 
Let the house get dirty and start to smell.

Or what if instead you worked as a team?
Maybe mom would be less stressed and mean.
See moms want to play and have lots of fun.
But she can't if her work's never done.


  1. Replies
    1. You are sweet. Maybe I need someone to do a funny cartoon illustration of a mom doing these things.


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