A Mother's Plea to Her Son: Please Aim When You Pee

Please Aim When You Pee
Little boy, little boy its shaped like a hose,
So why don’t you control where the blasted pee goes?
I’m tired of the stink, I have to complain.
Please little boy why can’t you fricking aim?
You’ve sprinkled the walls, the sink, the floor
Son of mine, mom can’t take anymore.
There’s a yellowish dribble stuck to the side.
Why can’t you just aim it and pee-pee inside?
And please don’t leave the damn toilet seat up
So I don’t feel like I’ve sat my ass in a cup
And don’t pee on the seat, it’s not very fun
To have someone else’s warm pee stuck to your buns.
So please hold your penis, I know you are tight
I see you with your hand down your pants day and night.

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