Brotherly Love or Lack Thereof

Brotherly Love or Lack Thereof

A one and only, always lonely
I longed for a sibling to love
So I created two, brother and you
But all day you scream and you shove

Our home is a war zone
Angry words aimed and fired
I mend wounded feelings
But I’m broken and tired

Worn out from the fight
I didn’t want to referee
Don’t make me choose sides
It’s not you and I, it is we.

A house divided, really can’t stand
That’s why I can’t meet your demands
Or even for a second understand
The measure of your animosity

Who cares who goes first?
Or who won the race?
There’s no glorious victory
Found in tears down brother’s face.

I’m begging you please
For the sake of us all
Please find something kind to say
Before I break out the alcohol

And crawl into my room
And shut out your noise
Retreating from you both
My darling angry boys.

1 comment:

  1. Go get a purple dinosaur costume and sing done songs. It worked for Barney. Just kidding I can totally relate to this! I need a purple dinosaur in my house.


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