I really hate those judgmental, belittling people who publically humiliate you and make you feel ashamed of who you are and what you believe in. Those people who make you hide your true self so that you can be socially acceptable. And no, I am not talking about Christians.
But take a look at any social media site, movie, television show, or news article, and you'll see someone taking potshots at the Crazy Christians. Because it's not cool to believe in anything nowadays, except money and fame.
Now I am not denying that there are a lot of messed up folks out there spouting hate and their own crazy judgments under the guise of Christianity. But those people would have been crazy without this particular pulpit to preach from. Those people in Westboro are just small, angry-minded individuals who don't represent the majority of believers. In fact, there are only forty members in that church mostly from the same loony family. And there are roughly 2.1 billion Christians world-wide. But the loud-mouths get all the attention, just like that annoying kid who always acted out in class and earned your class the reputation of being the bad one that no one wanted to sub for. That kid probably had a crappy home life and wanted whatever attention good or bad he or she could get. Same with these loud-mouth idiots spewing hate, because it's what the media loves to lap up.
No one wants to hear about my friend, a devout Christian who would literally give you the shirt off her back and makes a mean batch of rummy gummies (remember they drank alcohol in the Bible), and her adventures mentoring children of inmates at a free camp. Because it doesn't sell ads to hear about a normal, kind-hearted woman who picked the lice out of children's hair so they wouldn't have to go home and miss out on their only camp experience.
It's ironic that I read about or have people tell me to my face that Christians are so bloody judgmental and hate gays, atheists, and people of other religions. I don't hate anyone other than the bugger who nearly hit my car while I was driving my kids to camp. And I got over that two hours later.
Yet, these people seem to hate me. They are certainly judging me without knowing me. They automatically assume that as a Christian I am a judgmental, holier-than-though, hypocrite. I've been told by a friend, not to openly wear my Celtic cross necklace, the open I bought for my deceased mother. I was told it made people uncomfortable and gave them a quick judgement of my character. I'm sorry how is this fair? I have gay friends, Hindu friends, Jewish friends, and wiccan friends, and I would never think to tell them to put away a symbol of their faith. That would be rude and small-minded of me. And I have never once shoved my beliefs down their throats or hit them with a Bible. I live my faith, by example.
I was raised by open-minded, worldly parents who taught me to respect other cultures and faiths. My father's funeral was attended by Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Jews, and several denominations of Christians, all close friends and colleagues. He even joked when he was about to undergo surgery that everyone was praying for him, so he had all the gods covered. He even taught me the Muslim greeting of saluum alaikum to say to his friend who ran the local News Agent.
So it hurts that I am told to hide and be ashamed of my religion because some vocal idiots makes the rest of us look bad. Is it ok to make me cry and feel belittled for what I believe? I thought only ignorant, self-righteous people did that?
Yes, I know there are the bible-thumpers and the preachers. The people who are all too quick to quote Scripture instead of listening. But they are not me. And they are not my experience. I am sorry if someone rubbed you the wrong way or you had a bad religious experience. I had a German shepherd bite me on the way to school. Should I hate all dogs and think they are all vicious? I had two blonde friends growing up psychologically fuck with my head. (Yes, Christians swear. I swear like a drunk sailor.) So all blondes are bitches, right? Except two of my best friends are blondes.
I am not excusing the yokels and wrong-doers who hide under the banner of Christianity. I can tell you for historical fact that most of those religious wars had more to do with land and power and greed than religion. It just sounded more persuasive to tell the uneducated populace that it was for God than the king's coffers.
To wrap up my tirade, I am sure I have rubbed some people the wrong way. I am sorry. And then again I'm not. Why is everyone else allowed an opinion? That seems unfair.
I had three hugs today at church from kind, quiet people doing good-work without seeking reward. In fact our church motto is we'd rather love you than judge you. So do me a favor and don't judge me unless it's on my brilliant wit and awesome dance moves.
If I'm not suppose to fill Facebook with angry memes condemning other religions and atheists, do me the same courtesy. Otherwise you are guilty of doing the thing you think I do - judging others.
The mused wanderings of a tired mother and writer because blogging is cheaper than therapy and makes me look like I know what I'm doing.
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