Over-thinking it: This is Your Brain on Motherhood

Husband: I’ll take the kids for a couple hours so you can enjoy and get stuff done.
Me: Should I clean the house? No, I should do some writing? But I really need to clean out my files? I should check Pinterest for ideas. Oh look, I can check Facebook? No, I should read a book? Or maybe watch a movie? But I really should watch one of my shows on DVR? Actually, I should call a friend? Or write the thank you notes I haven’t done from Little Timmy’s birthday? But this is my time. I should lie out by the pool and relax? Or I could buy a new bathing suit? Or go to the gym to fit into my bathing suit? Or maybe go shopping by myself to buy a new bathing suit?
2 hours later.
Husband: So what did you do with your free time?
Me: Spend two hours obsessing over what I could do with my free time.

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